Friday, February 13, 2009

2/7/09 - 2/13/09 Weekly Totals

Thanks to some great Viva and Scottie coupons this week, I got stocked up on my paper products. We also have sandwich meat and sugar that will last us several weeks/months.
I stayed well under my $75 weekly budget.

  • Total of Products Purchased $741.79
  • Total Savings $684.38
  • Out of Pocket Spent $57.41
  • I saved 92%

I'm looking forward to my Publix shopping this weekend where I plan to load up on Lipton Tea, Ken's Marinade and Kraft Salad Dressing. Other than the normal milk, bread, meat and fruits I should be well under budget next week too! I'm also looking forward to no coupons in the paper this weekend. I did splurge a little and bought some great coupons on ebay and thecouponclippers this week but spent way less than I would have buying papers this weekend and they are for specific items that are on my Publix list.


  1. I am totally amazed at your savings! You did all of that in one publix trip? Did your cashier about hit the floor when she highlighted your savings? If so, you should have your picture taken to placed on the wall of fame! :) If you have time, can you break down your purchase so that I can see what you bought exactly? I would love to have a savings of that one day!

  2. There's a new coupon website coming out in June 2009 but you can go there and sign up now to get news and updates. - it's a national site but focused on offering coupons for products and services on a local level. Feature rich and loaded with ways to save, is designed to do one thing - save you money! Check it out and sign up for their pre-launch...
